Still a Little Tangled After All These Years

Hi All! I decided I wanted to resurrect my blog after all this time. My life is kind of a mixed bag at the moment. I live in a beautiful place with a really sunny apartment in an independent senior living community. I’ve been here since September with my beautiful girl Dixie(my shihtzu/ Lhasa apso) after 11 years of living in hell. Quite a difference, I’m happy. Dixie is happy. It’s quiet and peaceful and lovely at least in the two seasons I’ve been here, I’ve made friends we all care about each other. It has a super that does a better job of maintenance and the outside than any of the maintenance men at the old place. I’m hoping to see my friends from there soon too. There is a distinct difference in being grateful and happy to be amongst my peers living amongst people my in age group, economic demographic, and mostly single women. And a distinct difference in being happily alone. I’m embroidering...