Still a Little Tangled After All These Years

 Hi All!  I decided I wanted to resurrect my blog after all this time.  My life is kind of a mixed bag at the moment.  I live in a beautiful place with a really sunny apartment in an independent senior living community.  I’ve been here since September with my beautiful girl Dixie(my shihtzu/ Lhasa apso) after 11 years of living in hell.  Quite a difference,  I’m happy.  Dixie is happy.  It’s quiet and peaceful and lovely at least in the two seasons I’ve been here,  I’ve made friends we all care about each other.  It has a super that does a better job of maintenance and the outside than any of the maintenance men at the old place.  I’m hoping to see my friends from there soon too.  There is a distinct difference in being grateful and happy to be amongst my peers living amongst people my in age group, economic demographic, and mostly single women.  And a distinct difference in being happily alone.  I’m embroidering a lot at the moment and I’m selling my work on Etsy And I’m still at Valley Artisans Market(these are my hearts in my cubby),  I’m still selling mostly hearts but I do custom ones now and my business has taken off since last we spoke.  A lot of positive changes,  I’ll never be a millionaire and probably not a thousandaire but I mostly do it for stress management anyway.  The money is a very helpful bonus,  I’m living frugally and every time I move forward something happens to my car.  My car is really worse for wear so we’ll skim over that subject but grateful it gets me where I need to go and I haven’t had to sell a kidney.  My priorities are so much different.  The little boy I used to talk about is 33 years old and getting married in November.  I love my new daughter in law to be and my grand kitty but have really embraced living alone.  I guess I’m a dog version of a cat lady.  I got sick in 2020. Real sick in 2022 and let’s just leave it at the grateful to have a roof over my head and food for my belly.  Where I live the town delivers bread for the residents and I just love the free bread.  It’s a high point for me.  Cakes too but I was eating cake every day lost its sparkle,  I still see my friends but we’ve had a kind of harsh winter and I have a rare lung disease which is stable so don’t worry and I hope to see them soon.  I’m on a wonderful wonder drug. I’m getting over the flu and I’m still too political .  In the last twenty years I have never been so disheartened and unhappy with what I see happening to my country.  It makes me so mad and I don’t really like being so angry right now.  It’s not good for my head and my health.  Well I’m gonna try to come every day and check in with you all and share pictures of my art and share some words and pictures of Dixie,  I want to write a whole post on Dixie. She’s a happy little dog and has brought happiness to so many here. Im tired it’s 12:30 so I’ll see you soon. Keep stitching!  Deb


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