Lady in Red

Hi all! Today was an indoor day, a little gloomy with the sun going in and out. A little on the cold side with my condition making me feel quite cold so spent the day embroidering. Today I embroidered the red mandala hearts on gold silk. I am so enjoy the simplicity of them. Very meditative. Straight stitches and French knots. Very relaxing. The other red mandala ornament was made a few weeks ago for the same reason. I love to meditate to them too. I put them in my hand and sit very quietly rubbing the design gently with my fingers. They are very comforting and soothing. There are times since I got sick that I am just kind of overwhelmed. Embroidering has always been my go to when stressed, even when I was a kid. I guess it’s the focusing on the needle and the repetition. Up and down up and down. I framed a small art piece today but I haven’t decided whether I want to sell it on Etsy o...