Butterfly Garden

I've always wanted a butterfly garden, but I have a black thumb. So I made a purse. Butterfly's are such beautiful creatures and they bring a smile to everyone's face. That is the response I like the most to my work, that smile or a compliment. I love to hear people talk about their families and how their grandmothers used to knit or sew or crochet. It's a lost art. I never miss an opportunity to spur a young admirer to pick up some needles herself. It doesn't matter whether it is a crochet needle, a pair of knitting needles or just a simple embroidery needle. It doesn't matter if they wish to make a business with it or just make a scarf for a loved one. The beauty of needlecrafting is that it is almost as much fun to make as it is to give it to someone you love. It's also a very peaceful art(unless you find a mistake a bunch of rows back and you have to pull it all back). I have to go to the more mundane tasks of my day such as vacuuming my pool so my husband doesn't have a stroke and ruin my nearly peaceful day. Keep stitchin.


Tangled Stitch said…
Thank you Caryl for your generous compliment. I have seen your work and right back at you.

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