Dragonfly Purse

Hello All. I thought I would share another picture with you all. I picked the dragonfly purse. I've been a little busy working on a custom purse with bunnies on one side and a turtle on the other. I have finished the bunnies and am beading my turtle. No pictures yet but I will take one and share it with you when I have finished it. I like to do custom work because people usually pick a subject that I wouldn't have picked myself. That is actually how I came up with my dragonfly. I had always wanted to do a dragonfly but it took a customer to order it in the coop for me to finally make one. Now they are one of my favorite things to do.
I know this post was a little boring but I've been working so hard I have nothing interesting to say. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better posting day! Keep stitchin.