Black Hole kind of day

I had a wonderful weekend with my inlaws visiting this past weekend. We went out to dinner, went to the coop, went shopping in the mall and had a basically wonderful weekend. Today was kind of a black hole kind of day when everything you do seems to be the wrong thing. I did a little work but the rest of the day was just a battle, a battle to keep my son occupied and a battle to keep my big mouth shut. Being a talker sometimes you just find yourself saying words you really haven't thought out. Being a talker I know that sometimes that's a really bad thing. Best thing to do is just apologize and move on. Trying to explain or validate why we say the stupid things we say is just a practice in futility. Even though i'm kind of glad I'm a talker, it is either a blessing or a curse, all you can hope for is that you are a blessing more of a percentage then a curse. And then there are days like today where you just fall into a big black hole of talk too much. Say all the wrong things to everybody who crosses your path. I guess you can tell it was one of those days. I probably shouldn't be writing on my blog today but because I was happily indisposed with family this past weekend and cleaning for days in advance I thought I should check in.

I made a framed piece of embroidery which is a black hole with a hand coming out. It's called hope, and I guess I'll leave this blog today with the thought that as long as the hand is coming out of that black hole, there is always tomorrow and one can't say all the wrong things to everybody two days in a row. When I get room on my camera I'll show you my black hole embroidery and maybe you'll understand my title and the thought behind this blog.

P.S. There's a really long story behind my embroidery but I'll share it when I share my picture. Keep stitchin(I'm going to stitch my mouth shut for the rest of the day so I don't end up with another foot in it).


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