My hand

Hi all, this is my blue hand that I have been talking about so much. It's not a great picture but it isn't framed yet. I'll repost when it is framed. I am now working on the face. It is my interpretation of the face and I have already named it but I will share it's name when I post it. I went traveling for a few days and had a wonderful time visiting relatives and going to a Met game. Unfortunately it was my favorite pitcher and they lost the game but it was a fun time with the hubby and my son. I spent the some of the trip down and most of the trip up embroidering my face and it made me realize just how much happier and quieter I am when I am working on a piece of embroidery. It fills my soul with silence and peace. I love to knit and hand crochet but embroidering my own work makes me feel like an artist. Every stitch is different and even if I start out with the same simple shape the coloring and direction changes I take, make every piece different.

That is really a lesson I learned with my blue hand. I have made a green hand which is hanging in the coop I belong to and it is completely different from the blue one. I started out with my hand and ended up with two pieces that look nothing like my hand. I do it all the time even when doing a twigs and berries ornament but somehow a framed piece seems to really bring home the artistry and the differences in each piece.

Well I'm a little tired so I guess I shall be going for tonight. Have a nice weekend and keep stitchin.


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