
Today was a great day. I am very thankful today because I worked on my face most of the afternoon. My hand embroidered face that is. I am thankful for all the different colors of embroidery floss and really thankful for the huge tangled mess of embroidery thread. I am thankful for my local JoAnn's Fabric, where I was able to find a lovely green fabric with a butterfly pattern in the remnant basket. It is exactly the lining I would have picked if I had known it was there for a commission eye glass holder for my friend. it will go lovely with the lime green fabric that is awaiting me. I'm thankful for the limegreen fabric too. I'm thankful for my husband, for my son, for my ceiling fan and for powdered lemonade. tomorrow I will be thankful for being back on the south beach diet but today I'm thankful for the sugary sweet lemonade. Speaking of sugary sweet I think that is my prompt to end my thankfulness here. I will be back with a picture of my face soon. Keep stitching and be filled with gratitude.

P.S. I am thankful for all the people who read this blog today in advance!


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