Earth, Water & Fire

This is another of my coop pieces. It signifies Earth Water & Fire although everytime I think about it Earth, Wind & Fire. That's the way of the world now. Actually my world is kind of rocking at the moment with a few earthquakes thrown in there just to remind me life can never be too good.
I begrudgingly went to Tai Chi, realized I left my lock for the locker at home so I played hookey instead. I went to Borders and bought a really cool book about Art and Spirituality and then went to Joann's and bought a bunch of skeins of embroidery floss. I love the stuff, I might even say that I am addicted to embroidery floss lately. Then I came home and worked away the afternoon. I finished another piece but it's not framed and with my inlaws coming this weekend probably won't be framed till one day next week. I'll share it's name and a photo when finished.
If you read this happy stitchin. And maybe put your old Earth Wind & Fire tunes on.