Enjoying Myself

Well after going bananas for weeks making ornaments and eyeglass cases and a cross stitch pillow(gasp how I hate the cross stitch pillow but it helps me on the road to my millions) I have been completely enjoying simple garter stitch knitting which doesn't really look very simple and embroidering a Christmas project that doesn't really say Jingle Bells I am in a much better mood. It'll be a little while before pictures.

I probably wrote this a long time ago but the new me is much different then the old me but I'm kinda having a hard time letting the old gal go. This entire year has been a year of change for me. I am about a month away from the first time I entered the artist coop I belong to. When I showed up there I had my closet work. By closet work I mean the most interesting things I made that were in various levels of unfinished in my closet. I was stuck in embroidered ornament land probably permanently had I not taken a leap of utter madness.

Well I don't know how but they accepted my work and me into the coop. I spent the first 3 or 4 months there trying to convince myself I belonged and that I was an artist. Now I can look at all of my work in the coop and say it is art and some of my work at my craft shows and say they are art but I'm still hanging out with that little crafty gal that makes a bunch of knick-nacky cheapity things. I can't seem to let her go. As I mentioned the other day I think she gave me a gentle shove the other day saying I can go on without her and succeed where ever I sell my artistic work but I kind of have to let the crafty girl go.

So the last couple of days I've been working on my Christmas piece for the coop and my knit bag of many colors. I think I am finally finding my style. A friend from the coop told me that it is important to find your own style. And frankly that was some of the best advice for me. So sooner or later I will frame the unframed and take pictures of everything else and I'll really start sharing my work. And you can at least be visually interested reading my perplexing journey from craft girl to fiber artist. Keep stitchin.


Nona said…
Hi Debra Ann!

I so enjoy your introspective and honest posts.

I'm tagging you!

Come to my blog and see what to do.

Cheers, Nona, in New Zealand

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