Wonderful day at the coop

Today was a wonderful day at the coop. We had lots of customers and I was able to hear wonderful comments about my embroidered pieces without people knowing who I was. I love the fly on the wall aspect of the coop. Eventually I told them who I was and they were still very complimentary but being able to hear comments about your work when people do not know you are the artist is fabulous.

One of the customers said they could not tell my work was embroidered until they got up close that it looked like a painting. Someone else told me my work was unique and that I should continue along those lines(she was looking at my tree which I have moved up to the first page). I love what I do and I used to hate to sell it, I am not very good at tooting my own horn so I used to get very nervous at craft shows. I am usually very at ease with people I don't know but the craft shows used to bring out the worst in me. Either I would talk too much or talk too little. Now I bring my embroidery projects with me and they keep me calm and keep the nonsense chatter to a minimum.

Also I am learning how to talk about the work I do and the process behind it. I am still trying to figure out the process but I can now explain it in a way that makes me comfortable discussing it. I have also learned how to respect my work which I'm sure many people can relate to. Sometimes we are uncertain of our talents especially if we've had them since we were young. Well let me say I was uncertain of my talent since I have been embroidering and knitting since I was about 6 years old and I'm considerably older then that now. It is only in the last year and a half that I have started using my work as self expression. I have always designed my own work but it used to be just something I did. Now it is an opportunity for the threads and the yarn to move me and speak through me. It amazes me when the people who look at it can see that movement and my thread voice.

Well I guess I have been tooting my own horn a bit too much this evening but it was such an extraordinary day as an artist in the coop that I could not let it pass without mentioning it.


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