Christmas Sampler

Hi All! Feeling better. We had a snow storm and I've been sort of snowed in so life is much better today. I've been knitting up a purse(no pictures yet) and embroidering a purse(no pictures yet) and I've managed to creatively get myself out of my slump.

There is always a day somewhere in the middle of the holiday season when I dwell on what is lost and I guess we can say I had that day. I've decided to enjoy my family and to make plans for my business and be creative for the next three weeks.

I just happened to look up from my computer and saw the lovely(I guess you would call them lovely) Russian men in tutus swimming. It was a sight that made me smile. Hopefully you have seen it too.

The picture is of a sampler that is currently in the Albany Shaker Museum. I enjoyed making it as it has lots of twigs and berries! Lots and lots of french knots. My work will be there until next Friday. The Albany Shaker Museum is such a wonderful place to be involved with. The people are wonderful and wonderfully creative. There is also a wonderful spiritual feeling to the building which was the meeting house for the Shakers and where they held mass.

If you are in the area give it a look. It truly is a wonderful collection of talented people and a wonderful feeling.

Keep stitchin.


Glad you came by my blog. Keep that appointment--it's too important not to. :-)
Tangled Stitch said…
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Tangled Stitch said…
Hi Cathy again! Thank you for your wonderful tips on your blog. Everyone with breasts should go check it out.
dianeclancy said…
Wow, what a great thing to have your work in the Shaker Museum! That is quite a feather in your cap!

I am glad you are feeling better ... it is so easy to have a hard day (or more) during the holidays.

Thank you for visiting my blog!

~ Diane Clancy

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