
My husband is back and so is my laptop and this piece is called Dancin. Still not really in the dancin mood but feeling much better then yesterday!

Dancin started out as a cross but I kept adding to it and adding to it and soon it looked like a dancer. It is varied threads of blue done in my favorite kind of hand embroidery where I use my needle as a paintbrush. It may have a new owner soon, a friend really likes it but can't decide between it and one of my hands(embroidered that is). So it's mine for a little while. Dancin also was a coop piece that never really had an opportunity to hang on my walls. So that is where it will be until whenever.

I hope you all had a wonderful day and you spent some of your day dancin. Happy Stitching.


Anonymous said…
I love you dancin piece. It is a happy piece and needs to be in someone's home, being shown off. It is so unique and pretty.
Where are you selling your things now?
Tangled Stitch said…
I loved making it. By the time I was finished it looked completely different then how I had percieved it but with the tangled thread designs they always end up differently.

Good question about where I am selling my work. At the moment I am only at the Albany Shaker Museum and selling it through myself. The Albany Shaker Museum keeps me very busy so I'll probably look for another outlet(or maybe even outlets) after the new year. I'm also thinking of doing Etsy or Ebay(so I can sit in my jammies all day and work).

Thanks for the question and for asking where you could buy my work.

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