Flowers on Silk

This is a bag I made over the summer. It has hand embroidered pink flowers on white silk. It is a reminder of the love I have for my work and for the ability to lose myself in my work. I worked on my turtle purse which is coming to a close in the next few days. I wasn't in the mood today to sew the handle onto the new knit bag, maybe tomorrow. Pictures will be coming soon.

I was working on a new artist statement which I am not ready to reveal quite yet and I realized how much my work has evolved and I have evolved over the last year. There were glimpses in the past of what I was capable of and how my soul felt while I was working but I was never able to put the two together. I say this a lot but I never knew I was an artist and I had something to self express until I allowed myself to become an artist. I read on another blog that art is rather painful because it brings us closer to God then we are ready for. It shows us how close we can be and that knowledge is painful. I'm paraphrasing so if you would like to read the lovely way it was written you can find it here Using my own word it's rather strange to be close to 50(and no I will not tell you how close) and not know what you are capable of and how joyous that makes you feel.

I think I've written enough for today, if you should ever be interested in purchasing any of my work just email me and I will be sure to get back to you quickly!


Truly beautiful as always! Thank you for stopping by again! Have a very Merry Christmas!
MB Shaw said…
Thanks for stopping by my blog and for your kind comments. I am close to 50 too (yikes!!), and I definitely relate.
Lovely work btw.
Happy holidays.
Sybil Archibald said…
Thanks for the mention! Your work is beautiful (the art & the writing). I look forward to visiting your blog regularly...
Michelle said…
This is so beautiful. I love your hand embroidery. You can see the love in every stitch!
Kitty Forseth said…
Oh my gosh, I can see how you might have beads hiding in your carpets and under furniture, hee hee. So much fine and detailed work! With me, it's glitter and paper scraps everywhere!

Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving such a nice comment. Your work is beautiful :).

Anonymous said…
Nice to see you visiting my blog. You are incredibly talented. I had a look through some of your posts and I absolutely love your little westie!

Keep up the good work.
Crystal xx
Anonymous said…
I love your work so much, and would be interested in buying some of it. It is so beautiful and stitched with love. I am not an artist by any stretch, but I totally understand what you mean about getting close to God and the joy. Such a beautiful way of putting it. Such a beautiful way of really integrating what you love so much with who you really are. Complete joy.
Tangled Stitch said…
Thank you for your wonderful comments.

I know the almost 50 thing just sort of creeps up on you.

Painter of Blue, I linked to you also.

Michelle, Missy, Christie and Kitty thanks for stopping in. I love all your blogs too.

Eileen, I do custom work too and if you would like anything just email me and we'll chat.

To anyone who reads this, please click on my commentors they are all fabulous women with lots to say and lots of beautiful things to look at.
Elaine Thomas said…
Very beautiful purses. Have Blessed Christmas!! Smiles, Elaine
dianeclancy said…
These are lovely!! I am very eager to read your new artist statement when you Re ready to share.

I think we each go through our journey with spirit and self as artists.

~ Diane Clancy
Lucky Dip Lisa said…
This is beautiful! A lovely delicate piece of art. I've enjoyed reading your posts and relate to a lot of what you said espcially the amazingness of the blogging community.
Thankyou for popping by my blog and sharing yours with me!
Have a fantastic NY.
Lisa :)

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