Transition Day

I don't really have much to share. My digital camera needs to be charged as does myself. Friday I picked my work up from the coop. No hard feelings, no tears, just a quiet resignation. The end of a learning experience. All in all I am very grateful for the time I spent there. I learned a lot. I could have done without the last month but now I'm sort of resigned to the fact that I really wasn't meant to be there any longer and if it wasn't so obvious, perhaps it would have been sooner or later. As I left I wished them a successful holiday season and surprisingly I meant it. Not so surprisingly, it was a big part of my life for the last year.

I had a wonderful time yesterday at a Christmas luncheon at a local country club selling my wares. The people were wonderful and I sold a few pieces that I had picked up from the coop on Friday. All in all not a bad day. The highlight being a lovely girl who bought my mohair madness purse. Sorry no picture but it was a hot pink, lime green, pale pink, cabled purse. She liked it so much that she started using it the moment after it was purchased. It was wonderful to see the happiness one of purses brought someone. Also there might be another opportunity right around the corner, but I'm waiting to see what happens.

So today I am pooped. To the gills. It's cold and I'm sleepy and it's snowing. I'm still making ornaments and I cannot tell you how much fun it has been. I have been doing twigs and berries, which I adore and making one ornament at a time whichever way the wind blows me. Every single one is different and I sold a bunch of them yesterday too.

I don't know what tomorrow brings and I know that yesterday is over, but I guess my thing for the time being is to do what I love and let God take care of the rest. I've learned during the last year that the hardest part of life is not being true to who you are or accepting less then what is possible. I love what I do and feel peace when I do it, so everything else is gravy. Happy Stitching.


Designing Fairy said…
Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting on my "experiment" painting. I am sending you lots of Arizona sunshine coming your way!
Anonymous said…
It must be such an amazing feeling when someone buys something you made, loves it so much that they have to use it right then. What a compliment to your work! I love your last statement, it is so vital that we be true to our ourselves and love what we do. That really is what makes us whole.

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