Twig Heart

Hi All! This is a heart I embroidered a few months ago for the coop. I usually do twigs and berry hearts but I wanted this one to be a bit more artistic. I really should have shared it pre Christmas but I never took a picture of it before so today is the day.
I don't really have too much to say today. I'm pooped from all the holiday hooplah so perhaps you will take a look at some of the links on my blog and be inspired. They are all such wonderful inspiring sites. Enjoy! Keep stitching.
Thank you for your very kind words on my blog. I feel the same way about you and your blog, and would like to add a link as well. So glad in this huge bloggy world, that I found the Tangled Stitch!
Relax and enjoy some down time, after the crazy Christmas rush.
Eileen I am thrilled to have found your blog too. I love to hear about your family and you have such a wonderful way with words!
Sherry you have a marvelous blog too.
And Michelle, I love yours too and I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and everything is ok!
I really love this blog thing. It is so much fun and so interesting.
To anyone else who may read this go to all the links of all the commenters and the ones on the side. They are fabulous and have made blogging my new addiction.