2008 Resolutions For My Work- Inspire Me Thursday

I wanted to give visual interest to my goals and thought a butterfly/dragonfly purse was as good a visual interest as any as it is very cold and they remind me of summer.

1. I wish to find a shop in my area that will carry my purses and framed pieces.

2. I wish to start selling on either Ebay or Etsy and start my own website.

3. I wish to do work that is more self expressive.

4. I'd also like to push myself just a little harder to get out of the box that I have embroidered and knitted myself into. I found over the last year that the more I pushed myself to be more original the more successful I was.

5. I'd like to have the words hand embroidery artist slip off my tongue just a wee bit easier(on my trip to Joann's I had a hard time saying the word artist again).

6. I intend to keep reading other blogs that inspire me to be an artist and help me to find better ways to market my work. I have really become a fan of blogging and look forward to it a great deal.

7. Oops I forgot an important one, I'd like to get my work published in a magazine. It's been a dream for a while but this is the year I'd really like to do it!

Finally I think I would just like to find a way to market my work that allows me to be myself and be successful.


Best wishes for all your dreams to come TRUE!!
I had on my dream board for 2007 to be published...and as long as you keep submitting to the calls for artists...you just never know...I got in twice last year!!
Thanks for visiting my site, and for the wonderful comment!
Artfully Yours...
Deb G said…
You are an artist! All the best in reaching your goals this year!
Michelle said…
Your work is so unique and beautiful, I can't imagine you don't feel you're an artist. I really hope you meet all your goals this year!!
Miscellany Mom said…
great goals! i hope you are able to accomplish them! thanks for the comment!
Anonymous said…
Wonderful goals for you! I have confidence in you and I know that you will meet most, if not all of these goal. You are an artist, your work is stunning, beautiful and I can't imagine you having trouble getting interest in your work.
Anonymous said…
Your work is really beautiful. Good luck, I really hope you achieve your goals this year.
Jodi Anderson said…
Oooh, that purse is a GREAT way to start the year!
Sherry said…
I think your dreams and goals are certainly possible..you will never know if you don't stretch and try...start with the "easy" ones and you'll be surprised at how the others begin to happen as well!!
laurel said…
I really identify with your resolution to move out of the box more with your art. Like you I find visiting other blogs very inspiring but I also need to explore more. Best of luck with your list.
maz said…
As far as I can see you SO ARE an artist! Your blog is great, as are your resolutions. You sound really focussed...good luck.
Ariel Gill said…
Deb, I can relate to your difficulty claiming the title of 'artist.' I can say "I am an artist" but then get hung on answering the inevitable question "What kind of art do you do?" Since I dabble in lots of different media - fabric, paper, paint, thread, on and on. Anyway, let us play more and KNOW - I Am an Artist!

Zari said…
you have figured out everything you want...great! i'd love to create a store too ; )
good luck and happy 2008!
Laura said…
Good luck with all these ambitions. Your work is lovely and I wish you all the best.
Anonymous said…
I think you have the most amazingly clear vision of what you want in this new year, and that you are going to be able to achieve all of those goals! You are an artist! Open an Etsy! There is a great community of artist's there, as well!

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