2008 Resolutions For My Work- Inspire Me Thursday

I wanted to give visual interest to my goals and thought a butterfly/dragonfly purse was as good a visual interest as any as it is very cold and they remind me of summer.
1. I wish to find a shop in my area that will carry my purses and framed pieces.
2. I wish to start selling on either Ebay or Etsy and start my own website.
3. I wish to do work that is more self expressive.
4. I'd also like to push myself just a little harder to get out of the box that I have embroidered and knitted myself into. I found over the last year that the more I pushed myself to be more original the more successful I was.
5. I'd like to have the words hand embroidery artist slip off my tongue just a wee bit easier(on my trip to Joann's I had a hard time saying the word artist again).
6. I intend to keep reading other blogs that inspire me to be an artist and help me to find better ways to market my work. I have really become a fan of blogging and look forward to it a great deal.
7. Oops I forgot an important one, I'd like to get my work published in a magazine. It's been a dream for a while but this is the year I'd really like to do it!
Finally I think I would just like to find a way to market my work that allows me to be myself and be successful.
I had on my dream board for 2007 to be published...and as long as you keep submitting to the calls for artists...you just never know...I got in twice last year!!
Thanks for visiting my site, and for the wonderful comment!
Artfully Yours...
good luck and happy 2008!