Beyond Your Comfort Zone/Inspire Me Thursday

The topic at Inspire Me Thursday is Beyond Your Comfort Zone. Since I don't really have a problem expressing myself while I'm working I thought I'd talk about the the rest of my life which is beyond my comfort zone. I have always stopped just short of my greatness. I've exercised and dieted off hundreds of pounds just to reach a certain weight and go backwards. I've created beautiful art only to have it sit unframed or tucked away in a drawer. I've been wanting to get my work published in a magazine but submitted one scarf pattern to a crochet magazine, it was rejected and I never tried again. I've had dozens of crummy jobs and worked in retail(which I love) but yet I have a hard time selling my own work. I have an even harder time putting myself out there to find someone else to sell my work. the coop was a lark, one of those things the universe told me I had to do. I guess it counts as going out of my comfort zone but the universal feeling I had when I walked into that coop made me know it was the right thing to do. It also was the right thing to leave but that leaves me having to take that walk into rejection all over again.

I have an artist friend who last year told me if you can do extraordinary work why do ordinary work and I guess that is a question that belongs in this category and I guess you could say I've gone out of my comfort zone and became extraordinary but there are very few pieces framed and on display. Even most of my work on this blog cannot compare to the work that I have unframed and in my dresser.

So I guess this is the place where I say that I will step out of my comfort zone and frame my work, finish my lovely knit and crochet and embroidered bags, send something in to a magazine, find some stores to sell it and let everyone who reads my blog know how far I have come on my journey.

And little did you know that I have come out beyond my comfort zone by letting you all know how darn uncomfortable I am about being the greatest I can be. I wish I could say I'm just humble but in reality I'm scared to death.

Keep watching and see if this is the year I go past my barriers and become the greatness I am. Hopefully the time has come.


Anonymous said…
Oh, I think your time has definately come. I know what a huge risk it is to say it on this blog, how you feel about rejection and your fear of putting your work out there. Yet, you did, and your time spent this year was good and bad, but definately a learning experience, that in the end made you so much stronger.

You are an artist. An amazing artist, and your time has come. I know you know moving out of your comfort zone is scarey, but you are more than ready. You are not alone in this journey. We are all here with you, cheering you on. You will keep trying and keep trying until you find your place in the art world. You will find your place. This I know for sure.

Sorry to babble on, but I really mean every single word I wrote.

Enjoy your weekend.

Anonymous said…
YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Life is far to short of sit and wonder why they are all in drawers...SHARE...that is what blogging is all about...SHARE WHO YOU ARE AND WHAT YOU DO...FOR NO OTHER REASON THAN BECAUSE THAT IS WHO YOU ARE!
Blessings to you
Anna Lloyd said…
I can totally relate, having worked in retail, but I find it hard to sell my own work due to lack of confidence in myself. I guess being knocked down by the first set back is disheartening but doesn't mean we can't do it in the long run!

I love what your friend said about "if you can do extraordinary work why do ordinary work..."

All the best!
Tangled Stitch said…
Thank you all so much for your lovely comments. This blog really does get me out of my comfort zone because it's very hard for me to let people see the real me behind the mask I've had since childhood.
Sherry said…
What an inspiration your artist friend is...and quite profound!! Why indeed...why do ordinary work if you can do extraordinary work! I like this very much! A wonderful mantra!
PJ said…
'rest of my life'..oh, this is very good post and way to go by stepping out of your comfort zone! This is also such a good journal prompt if I may share that. Thank you for visiting my blog and I can tell by the depth of yours I will be coming back :)
Deb G said…
Wonderful words! I look forward to reading about your successes, I know they will come. And you certainly aren't alone! I'm looking for an envelope right now :)
laurel said…
Wonderful words! Something I think everyone identifies with. Keep on submitting your work.
titration said…
scared to death always sounds like the beginning of a grand adventure to me. :)
Charlie said…
Well I think it takes a lot of courage to say what you said. I know I feel the same way only I do not have your courage to say these things for everyone to read. Way to come out of your comfort zone.
Anonymous said…
Oh my, I felt like I was reading about my life... you go girl and I'm going to keep track of what you're doing... if you can do it, maybe I can too.
Anonymous said…
I know so many artists (myself included) who can relate to this. One of the greatest part about creating art is the emotion you put into your work. It's "YOU" show others is scary as sin.

I hope you take the leaps this year you talked about. You will inspire so many when you do.
Anonymous said…
Thank you for being so honest! I absolutely can understand the "being scared to death" part. I wish you all the luck you can get in 2008!!!
Anonymous said…
I felt like you walked into my life and wrote my diary, except that I work with paper, pens, paint, glue, brushes, scissors, etc.

Thanks so much for being so bold and so brave. I'll be adding you to my links so that I can keep up with what you are doing. I think we're going to see greatness ahead.

Wishing you the best!
Anonymous said…
You already know what you can do as an artist, and at least between you and yourself, you believe your work is extraordinary. But it sounds like there's a little gremlin that sits on your shoulder and whispers things in your ear that cause you to doubt taking the next step. Sometimes we overwhelm ourselves with the idea that our steps have to be giant leaps... try listening to your first voice, your inner voice, that tells you your work is wonderful, and then just take a small step - maybe set a goal to have that hidden away work framed. I'll bet doing just that will feel good and encourage you to take yet another step. Good luck:>

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