
Tonight I have been blogging. I went to visit quite a few friends and I still have many more to see, but perhaps tomorrow. I love to blog. I like it almost as much as I love my needles and the work they do. We are so lucky that we've found the blog. It creates a community and somehow, someway I always seem to find something of an inspiration or someone else dealing with a trial I happen to be going through. It's a miracle.

When I started blogging I truly did it as a business idea. Sorry but that's the truth but what I've found is so much more. I've been inspired to laugh, inspired to cry and inspired to read so many of the blogs that make my day. I never fail to find at least one written by some lovely person that seems to make my day, and usually much more then one.

Such talented artists there are out in the world waiting to be discovered. Such wonderful souls to meet. It also makes me realize how truly connected all of us are to the world outside our homes, our neighborhoods, our towns and even our country. Souls speak in many different ways. I'm glad I found that some souls speak and share with their blogs!

I am still working on my project which doesn't have a place to go though so nothing new to share except my love of blogging and the people who do it. If you read this god bless you and keep blogging. Isn't life grand?


Anonymous said…
I for one am happy that you blog..happy that you visit...and happier that you comment!! I live in upstate NY too...
Anonymous said…
I love your blog and seeing your beautiful works of art. It has really opened a whole new world to me. However, I am the most thankful for the fact that I have been able to connect with you as a person. I do think that is one of the best gifts of the whole blogging experience.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Anonymous said…
Yes, blogging is magical. I have met so many new friends and great artists just from reading blogs and then clicking on the links of the people that comment... it has opened up so many doors!
Tangled Stitch said…
Thank you all for your lovely comments. I have so enjoyed reading all of your blogs and feel a kinship to all of you. Thanks for taking the journey with me!
Amen! I am new to blogging, but I am finding out the same things. The real life stories are better than any tv program I could be paying more attention to. Also, its just amazing the folks you meet out here in Blogland just by stumbling onto a particular link.
Have a blessed day, Trish G.
laurel said…
Thank you for your lovely comments on my blog. I started mine because I'm the computer geek in my group of friends and they started one first. Couldn't let them show me up. It has opened up a whole new world for me in getting to see so many talented people out there and to see their joys and struggles. It inspires me to try to make mine more interesting so others will want to visit. It's really a cool way to network and learn from others.
Kris Cahill said…
I also love blogging, and couldn't imagine how much I would until I started. It's a great way to get out from under being isolated or stuck in one's own revolving doors. Get some perspective, make some new blogging friends online. Learn some new stuff. How fun is that?

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