Blue Beaded Purse

This purse is a patchwork, hand embroidered, hand beaded purse with a beaded handle that has been with me since I started making purses. Perhaps because it was made right after my favorite purse(which you can see on the side in all it's glory) which was the first embroidered purse I made. It's a bit on the extravagant side for a denim purse and it's had a lot of lookers but no buyers. I'm on the verge of keeping it for myself but as a stay at home artist I don't know where the heck I'll use it. It was a lot of fun to make and really makes me happy when I look at it. But I'm not really a bead gal(but who knows I change by the day now). Perhaps when I finally take the plunge(or my husband takes the time to take it with me) and put my work on Etsy or Ebay I'll try to sell it there. I just know that there is someone else there that screams for a hand embroidered beaded denim purse with a bead handle. I know it. If you happen to be that person please don't be afraid to email me and it can be yours.

Tonight I am teaching my first crochet class at Michaels so I have to run but have a great day and keep stitching and sorry for the sales pitch!


lee said…
thanks for stopping by my blog, I really like your work as well, you have quite a talent, the silk purse is beautiful as is your other work..You have a way with words that lets the reader in and get to know you. I have to try that, I am putting you on my links as I think you are great
Laura said…
This is a really beautiful bag!!
I agree that I'm sure someone is looking for THIS bag. I'm so glad to hear you're teaching a class. That's great! I'm sure you'll be very popular as a teacher.
Laura J
Michelle said…
Wow, this is beautiful. Do you have an Etsy store or something where people can buy your stuff?
I am completely null when it comes to business and art but I do know that I love your work, especially that one...Will you tell us about your Michael's experience? Good luck!
Anonymous said…
Thanks for coming by to visit my blog! I've subscribed to yours and StumbleUpon-ed it!
Tangled Stitch said…
Thank you for your wonderful comments. At the moment my blog is it. I am waiting for my hubby to give me the go ahead(and the credit card information) to start an Etsy or Ebay account. Since he's an accountant he's a little skittish.

But if anyone is interested just email me and I'll give you the info you request.
Lynda Lehmann said…
It's a beauty! Somewhere, the right person is waiting to discover and buy it! Don't apologize for trying to sell your art. We artists have to make some money, too!

Thanks for commenting on my blog post.

Good luck with the teaching, and stay inspired!! :)

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