Comfort Zone/Inspire Me Thursday

The topic this week on Inspire Me Thursday is my comfort zone. My comfort zone inspires me so I think this is a good topic. As you can see I am most comfortable with a needle in my hand. I end up at my center when I am embroidering(and to add the fun some beading). I enjoy and have fun knitting(with more beading) and I still can be completely inspired while crocheting with thread while listening to Andrea Bocelli. My comfort zone has literally saved my life.

I've already mentioned my childhood ad nauseum so I'll pretty much skip it but whenever I needed soothing or felt left out or any of the other dramas a young person goes through my needles were always there. Be it afghans after my mother passed away, or afghans while I was waiting to hear about the first house we put a bid on, or a cross-stitched sampler while waiting for my son to be born, or the crocheted christening dress I made while my dad was in the coma. My needlework has always comforted me. When I was a kid nothing made me happier then a new project. My mother used to try to send me outside because all I did was read and do needlework. To this day no day is complete without it. Give me a book and a years supply of needleworks and you'll never hear from me again.

Also when I do my needlework I become DebraAnn instead of Debbie. My mother named me DebraAnn and only called me that when I was in trouble and it was serious and nobody else ever called me DebraAnn, not even Debra. Debbie is the very friendly person who will talk to anybody and say anything. Smiling or crying her way through life. When I'm on, I'm Debbie. I learned how to be Debbie when I was young. But as I've become an artist and started expressing myself through my work I am DebraAnn. The quiet little peaceful artist in the midst of chaos. When I am DebraAnn I am in my comfort zone. I am at peace enough to know that anything is possible and I can survive anything.

Oh well I guess I've been inspired enough to spill my guts . So I will go be Debra Ann and embroider my way to peace and tranquility.


Anonymous said…
I love how much peace and tranquility your needles and beading brings you. It seems to take you away, to a place that so many of us try to get to. A safe, total, wonderful comfort zone.

My youngest is so interested in sewing and knitting. Since I never learned it, she is learning from other friends. How I wish it was something I could pass on to her. Her first love started with finger weaves, with yarn. She would do these constantly to relax and I use to find her asleep with the yarn and weaving still on her fingers. We still have chains, and chains of finger weaves all over the house. It was very theraputic for her.

I love how you described the contrast between DebraAnn and Debbie. Very interesting insight into yourself, and how far you have come on this journey.

Thanks for sharing this.

Tangled Stitch said…
Thank you Eileen. I have so enjoyed reading your blog too. I love, love, love to hear that young people love the needlearts because they are a dying art. I hope your daughter never loses her interest in it.
Anonymous said…
DebraAnn....These are wonderful..I know the feeling of the thread and the draw that it has and the spell it puts you under...I did counted stitching and beading for years..still do it every now and then....CONTINUE ON YOU ARE A WONDERFUL ARTIST!
There is so much peace and serenity that comes with doing what we love. I think we are truly blessed to have such an internal companion. I also love the idea of the artistic persona. I too had to change the spelling of my name to fit into my own vision of me. My name in arabic means "morning dew" but it is spelled with an "a," making my life in Texas miserable since it means "nothing" in Spanish. So, I dropped the "a" and changed it to "e" (looked better, and sounded closer to the actual pronunciation...Funny that way, huh?!
Loved your post today. Keep on, my friend :)
Deb G said…
I agree very much with what you have to say. Working on something like knitting or crochet brings me a lot of peace too. Also about the name; Deb, Debbie and Deborah are different sides of my personality!
Anonymous said…
Love reading your blog...My feelings mirror your statements in many ways.

Your work is beautiful!
carla said…
Lovely, lovely work! It's wonderful to have something that gives you such a feeling of "self."
V said…
Nice work. I love the crocheted bag. I find comfort in knitting too!
Sybil Archibald said…
What you shared about your name is beautiful!
laurel said…
I think we all find some solace in whatever medium we use for being creative. It is such a nice escape from the everyday. Your work is beautiful. I especially like the one with the spiral and beads incorporated. Thank you for sharing your heart.
Julia said…
Thank you visiting my blog . I read some of your posts and you are a great writer and make great things here ! I'm from Holland but also go for Obama !

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