Howdy strangers!

No Pictures, no new news. No inspire me thursday. I'm still slogging my way through my table runner. It hasn't been my favorite project. I guess I am pretty much a hand embroidery artist. The runner is lovely and it is more than half finished but it isn't really inspiring me. It feels like work(well I guess cos it is work). Hand embroidery never feels like work to me. My other project is beckoning me everyday and I'm having visions of purses I would love to make. So I guess in a little while I will take leave of my computer and sit in my studio with the cd's playing and get down to finishing the darn runner. At least at the end I will have a table runner which is something I've always wanted but as you can probably tell have never had the impetus to make.

When I first started thread crochet I wanted to do a bedspread and in fact I started about 3 of them but alas I never finished them. Now I know why! Well thanks for reading.

Keep stitchin and vote in your primary if you are lucky enough to live in one of the states that is voting. Go Obama!


Lynda Lehmann said…
Isn't it amazing how everything worth doing, and worth succeeding at, is SO MUCH WORK! I know how you feel, trust me. With my painting show coming up in two weeks, I've had little time to do anything but get ready for it.

You will undoubtedly finish all of your projects, in time, as I will eventually finish mine!

I am leaning towards Obama, because I think he knows himself and can take the heat. And he seems naturally driven to lead. Let's see what happens...
Anonymous said…
Sorry about the confusion at my blog yesterday. Saturday am, I got a very disturbing letter about my blog. E-mail me please, if you get a chance, I would love your input,
It related to blogging privacy/security. Kind of creepy.


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