Love Actually

Last night my menfolk went to a hockey game and left me all alone so I remembered I had taken Love Actually out of the library and decided to watch it. I'm not a big movie fan but I do love movies with Hugh Grant and Colin Firth(my favorite being Bridget Jones Diary) and it was a great movie with a great theme.

Love makes the world go round. The movie starts in an airport at the arrivals section and ends in the same place. I guess besides a wedding chapel an airport would be the most obvious place to see people in love. People coming and going. Stories of love all around. Some simple, some not.

Neither my husband or I like to fly but ironically we met at a Club Med in Martinique quite a long time ago. I had a boyfriend when I left and 2 boyfriends when I came back at least for a little while. It's kind of funny but the first time I kissed my husband I actually felt a flutter. I guess it was a pretty strong flutter cos here we are married 20 years this past June. I lived in New Jersey and he lived on Long Island and parting really was such sweet sorrow. Then he moved to New Jersey with a beautiful view of the swamps and a trucking company(that is why we don't live in New Jersey today). And then we got married. And here we are.

The second love of my life is my son Brian. He is the sun in my day. He's 16 and very handsome. He's also very smart and very charming(oh well can't win them all, he's charming for a 16 year old). He hasn't found his first love yet but he has had several likes. It's kind of weird because I'm going back to the future. I remember being his age and falling in like. I always tell him that many girls will break your heart till you meet the girl you will marry(I don't have the heart to tell him sometimes the heartbreak continues)but it is a very interesting time for the three of us.

And then my last love is Needlework. It too is one of the loves of my life. I can take it on the plane with me unless they make me leave my scissor behind. It's amazing how a few days of loafing around embroidering when you are too sickly to feel like doing anything else will remind you how much you love what you do that defines who you are. Tangled Stitches and All.

Speaking of tangled stitches. The Love pillow above is a pillow I made when my sweet Brian was about 6. I couldn't sell it so it sits proudly on my chair(not the one it's on) and I love it. It's hand embroidered twigs and berries and took an enormous amount of time.

Oh well, duty calls. Must feed the menfolk. Rent the movie and perhaps it will inspire you too to think about those you love and blog about them(I know you all do that anyway). Happy Stitchin!


Tangled Stitch said…
After writing my post for today I realized that I plagiarized parts of it from myself. I hope you enjoyed it if it's the first time you've read some of it and I hope I haven't bored you too much if you read the earlier one.
Sherry said…
I love a love story...your pillow is adorable and "belongs" on that chair!!!
I laughed at your story of meeting your husband in Martinique...I was there in '76...gorgeous place!!
And you have hockey lovers in your's been our life forever as husband played and both boys play...
And if you think I've inspired you? Today you have inspired me!!
Anonymous said…
I loved the movie Love Actually, it did make me think about the loves in my life. I loved reading your post today and learning so much about you. I did not know most of the things you posted about, so it was wonderful to read. You are never boring!!

The love pillow is so sweet! How very, very special. What a family treasure.

I agree with Sherry, you are inspiring!
Tangled Stitch said…
I love a love story too. And I adore Hugh Grant. It wasn't till after I finished writing my post that I noticed I had put the picture on a similar post. I guess it is to be expected when we try to be witty and informative day after day(and sometimes even succeed). have a great evening and happy stitching(or whatever your love is)
Tangled Stitch said…
I love a love story too. And I adore Hugh Grant. It wasn't till after I finished writing my post that I noticed I had put the picture on a similar post. I guess it is to be expected when we try to be witty and informative day after day(and sometimes even succeed). have a great evening and happy stitching(or whatever your love is)
It's so funny how our lives parallel each other. 2 boyfriends with one lasting quite a long time.tee hee! Still ffffeel fffflutters after all these years too. I also have a 16 year old son whom I absolutely adore. And best of all: we love to create things! Yay!

It's really been nice seeing your smile behind that computer screen lately :)

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