Wow what a day!

Not much to talk about in the art world of Deb today. Had quite a day. Took my son for xrays because he originally had to have one little unconsequential tooth pulled only to find out he has two very consequential wisdom teeth needing to be taken out at the same time. I had wisdom teeth taken out in my twenties and it was horrible so the thought of my sweet son having them out scares me to my willies. I tried very hard to hide my terror only to have my son tell me that his friends had them out and it was really painful and they missed lots of school. Well the consultation is next Tuesday so I will try to maintain(or pretend to maintain) a good attitude. I'm hoping against hope it isn't as bad as when he had his tonsils out when he was 13. Oh my god, 10 days of hell.

Then off we went for my son to get his driver's permit, birth certificate and social security in hand. What a cruel joke it is for a parent to have to bring a birth certificate with them when their child goes to get a permit to drive. It's a double edged sword really. First you get to reminisce over the birth of your child and wonder where exactly did those 16 and a half years go anyway, then you get to wonder just how much freedom your child will think they have when they have wheels of their own.

So needless to say the joys of motherhood have left me for a loop. But this too shall pass and then I can take the meter off my car.

Yesterday was a great day! I went out to lunch with this lovely lady that I introduced to the coop. She's a fabulously talented glass artist and finding her and getting her into the coop was one of the best things that happened there. She told me about another opportunity which I am quite not ready to take(soon though) and she made me a wonderful glass turtle which is just beautiful. She is such a lovely friend and it was wonderful to see her.

So that's it. I'm gonna go watch some politics and then perhaps rant for a while in my favorite political ranting place. Happy stitching.


Michelle said…
Ah, the kids growing up. Painful but wonderful at the same time. My oldest son will turn 17 in two weeks. We'll be getting his permit then. I'm dying inside just a bit. I want them to stay mine, but I know they won't. What do you do, anyway? Many hugs after a kind of rough day.
Anonymous said…
Somehow, none of my kids have had to have their wisdom teeth out. (I have four and the oldest is 23.) I can't imagine having a young child go through that, though, how awful. Now you have me reminiscing about the years that have passed...
I can relate! My son's wisdom teeth saga happened over Thanksgiving and I was so panicky before the surgery. What a waste of time! He was fine (couple of Tylenols) and he went to the movies that night with his friends (no popcorn :)... We can't stop being Moms, eh? Your son is lucky to have you!
Laura said…
Three out of four of mine had them out in high school and all three came through it fine. No problems at all!! Permits - total panic for me - but problems at all. Cars and driving still scare me and they're all married and in their 20's! We're mothers forever, afterall.
PJ said…
I'm there with ' about 4 months. Can we just go back 10 years? Mine just had her's out, too. No bad..good excuse for pudding or icecream!
Sherry said…
Oh Deb, I have been there, done that -- with the wisdom teeth. My son managed the surgery fine, though he had heart palpitations on the table!! That freaked me out but he's been checked over thoroughly and it's not his heart. Two years later (!) we are all convinced it was the anesthetic -- something in it that he was allergic to. Good to know!!

My youngest is ready to get his driver's permit too -- there is something about our children getting older .... very bittersweet indeed.

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