
All my life's a circle;
Sunrise and sundown;
Moon rolls thru the nighttime;
Till the daybreak comes around.
All my life's a circle;
But I can't tell you why;
Season's spinning round again;
The years keep rollin' by.
Those are the lyrics to a lovely song by the late Harry Chapin and they kind of describe my life lately. I was lucky enough to see Harry Chapin when I was in my teens and promptly fell in love with his music. He was such a great man, such a talent and taken way too early. The name of the song is Circle so perhaps you can download it.
OK well if you read my posts you know I've been a bit circular myself lately. A good day, a bad day. I've deleted a couple of posts and edited a few more because they don't really reflect my feelings at the moment. Or my work. I have gotten back to work, have put away the crossword puzzles and am embroidering a bag which I intend to send to Belle Armoire. My son is back in school and not having to worry about him has done wonders for my mood and my outlook on life. He is hardly on the pain killers also. Sunday evening was just normal as his oral surgeon said. You cannot find any information on bleeding after day two anywhere on the web so as a public service announcement, if you or anyone you love starts bleeding profusely five days after oral surgery, try gauze first(not the non stick kind as the blood rolls off it) and if that doesn't work use tea bags for the tannic acid and it is just normal. He is healing nicely.
OK so for a while I'm going to focus on my work and not my feelings so don't be surprised if you only find a picture and a description.
The above purse is a freeform thread crochet purse. I loved making it and it is lined in satin. Freeform crochet is crocheting without any rules. Different shapes connected in different ways. My purse is lovely but to see the wonders of freeform crochet, do a google search and prepare to be amazed. There are many ladies(and men too I suppose) who use this art form to make beautiful, beautiful projects.
So that's it for now. Thank you all for commenting especially my friends who commented on Brown. Your kind words were so greatly appreciated! Love and gratitude to you all. Keep stitchin and perhaps go download that beautiful song.
Have a good weekend. Laura J
The freeform crochet is gorgeous!! I am glad you are feeling able to work again. It is hard to focus on anything, when things are not "right" with our children. So glad your son is on the mend.
Take care of yourself.