A Working Day

Today is a working day. The first one I've had in a couple of weeks so if you don't mind I'll probably make this short and sweet. I have been tagged a couple of times but will return the favor next time I'm on the computer.
This is one of my first happy bags. It's been a while but knitting makes me happy so I call them happy bags(except for the first one which was an angry bag which made me happy). This one was supposed to be mine. It has luxurious textures, mohair and novelty yarns and my favorite wool cascade 200 all in the delightful color green. Then I hand beaded the darn thing, the handle is full of beautiful green beads with a drop in the middle and there is a drop on the closing too. Therein lies the problem I'm not really a bead person, although I think since it is a great representation of my work I may have to become one. So I've tried to sell it and although I've sold others like it, this one is still MINE. So it is mine, I just have to get up the nerve to use it myself.
Nothing else is really new except that I seem to have worked my way out of the block I put myself in. My glass is still a little bit overwhelming so I think I need to get back to work. I started a new hand embroidery project(I thought working on the other one exclusively probably helped keep me stuck, although it is a beautiful piece of work). So onward and forward. Apologies to all those who made my blog a habit which I unfortunately broke. I think I have gotten over the rough part and have downloaded more then one picture so you'll have something to look at if nothing else.
Keep stitching. See you soon. Visit the links in the meantime because they are all wonderful and I'll be tagging soon!
By the way, love your post about voting - hate the way our country has become so divided. I too voted for Obama but it didn't make a difference in NJ.
I love the bag. Happy bags, are such a great idea. The colors alone just make me smile.