Gone Fishing!

Just been taking a break from the blogosphere. Not really fishing but I've been working and hanging. I almost finished the Leap. And I took a jewelry class with a few friends. Learned how to make a bracelet, next week we learn necklaces. Was fun and then we went out for a few drinks so a good time was had by all.

No news on the work front. I have a craft show at the end of the month. I've been working a bit more, not as much as I'd like but more then before. Still have my blocked days.

So I can't believe it's the end of March. Time is certainly flying by. Will be back in a more businesslike informative mood soon. Miss you. I'll take a look at your blogs next time I'm here. Keep stitching


Judy Olson said…
Glad you checked in! Where is your craft show? I am doing the Cherry Blossom Festival on the 27th in Schenectady.
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Anonymous said…
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