Hi Folks!

Hi I'm just checking in or checking out whichever you prefer. Been getting ready for my craft show at the Rexford FireHouse so no new updates on the leap but after Saturday I'll post some. If you are in the neighborhood of the Rexford Fire House I'd be glad to see you.

My son has a cold, I have a cold and my husband has a cold. He is completely recovered from his wisdom teeth. He's doing great in driver's ed and everything is great in the world.

So see you after Saturday and have a great Friday. Keep stitchin!


dianeclancy said…
Hi Debra Ann,

Hope you all feel better and good luck at your craft show!!

~ Diane Clancy
Anonymous said…
I hope you all feel better. Thank goodness it is not the flu!
Good luck with your craft show. Let us know how it goes.
Michelle said…
I'm so glad your son is all done healing. Hope your colds go away soon! Have fun at the craft show! I can't wait to see more of the Leap piece.
Judy Olson said…
So how did you do on Saturday? Hope you and your family are feeling better.

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