The Leap / Part 2

This is the Leap. It has been transferred to muslin and outlined with Black embroidery thread. Next time you see it, it will have some color added to it. I haven't decided what colors will be featured except I suppose for the sun. That should probably be yellow. Since that's a no brainer that will probably be the first detail to be finished.
It was a lovely spring day, the first day up here in upstate New York that had even a tinge of spring to it. I worked on several pillows for my upcoming craft show March 15th at the Rexford Fire Department if you are in the area. It was really a delightful day between the early spring weather and the ability to work. It has been a challenge lately getting my mojo back but I'm happy to say I think it is.
Not much more to add, thank you for all your comments on the first Leap post. I'll be back soon with more photos and hopefully lots more work to share including the loop. Please go visit my links, there are wonderful people and wonderful artists to look at. Have a great night. Keep stitching!
It was great to here that the creative drought has ended, we must be travelling on similar creative wave lengths. I just posted on creative drought in blog on my site
I have been incredibly busy, so it's nice to finally have time to visit some creative sites. Beautiful work!
cheers Kazi