Let's Go Mets!

I probably mentioned a while back that I am a huge baseball fan and a huge Mets fan. I grew up in New Jersey with Met's fan(dad) and a Yankee fan(mom) and straddled the fences and supported both. I'm probably dating myself but my favorite players were Thurman Munson(god rest his lovely athletic soul) and Rusty Staub(I had a thing for red haired men). So then I married my Met fan husband and the Yankees just got a wee bit too successful so now I'm a Met's fan.

Why am I talking Mets? Because I'm watching John Maine give up two hits in the first inning. I'm not worried though he's great. I'm very excited that baseball is BACK, today is the first day in my little town that feels like SPRING and well Obama has basically won the Democratic nomination(if Hillary doesn't steal it, sorry Hill fans).

I worked a little bit on the leap, just putting on finishing touches which are background I'm not sure I should have bothered with, boring as watching paint dry. Otherwise all is well in my little part of the world. Been getting together with friends, took a jewelry class(so that I can make jewelry I'll never wear) and even got a few libations in one night. Hope your lives are well. Keep stitching.


Anonymous said…
what's a met?
Judy Olson said…
I loved Thurman Munson too! Wasn't he terrific?! I like the Mets, but not as much as when, oh God, I can't remember the catchers name from just a few years ago, played Oh to have my old mind back! My favorite player now is Manny Ramirez. We get the Yes channel so we always root against the Yankees. I used to like ARod but thought he should have gone to the Dodgers with Torre.........hey, next time we see each other we can talk baseball! I'll be at the co-op on Friday, it's my last month, I'm quitting over there.
Anonymous said…
My brother, in Roanoke VA, was so excited because he got to cater the Yankees airplane with food, when they went there to do their benefit for the VA Tech. shooting victims. He is a huge Yankee fan. He was so excited about making their meals and being in their private plane and hoping to meet them. Plus, he made a ton of money. They paid a fortune for the meals. Sadly, he didn't get to see them, but he was still very happy. He still can't stop talking about it.
Wow! You not only sew but you also know abt baseball?? Lucky you (I am terrible at both!) ..

Missed ya!

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