Doors/ Inspire Me Thursday

Closing one door and opening another. For the past few months I've been taking stock of my life and what doors to keep open and what doors to close lately. My son is now 17 and looking at colleges, so the mom door is closed a bit more then it used to be. I'm still trying to find an outlet for my work and still trying to get my butt in gear to work in the first place. I've decided to close the craft show door except for just a couple of them I don't really enjoy them all that much and well I don't really seem to sell anything. It also takes time I don't have to make work I don't sell. I'm still working on my big project, it's almost finished. And most of all I'm trying to live my truth and close the door on my mask. I'm reading Eckhart Tolles book and it's quite interesting and quite introspective. I think the idea is to just open the door to the moment and let the past and the future take care of themselves. I guess middle age is a time of closing doors and opening the door to your future. The one that you choose. So here goes. Hope you are enjoying opening and closing your own doors. Keep stitching.


Anonymous said…
I had to comment on what you say - I've just been thinking today about which doors would be best closed in my life too. Thanks for the author recommendation, I'm going to look him up. Love your blog, by the way!
Tangled Stitch said…
Thank you Princess Pea!

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