Howdy Folks!

Well, the sciatic is gone. The creative drought is over and my wonderful friend Cheryl got me into a store that she works with so starting next early next week my work will be available at the Katbird Shop in Downtown Schenectady. I am so excited and looking forward to working with a purpose again.

I had a wonderful lunch with Cheryl at Pinhead Susan's if you are ever in the Schenectady area. Wonderful Irish fries which are sweet potato fries. But spending time with my friend Cheryl was wonderful too. She is an ever so talented bead and glass artist. Her work is in the Katbird Shop also and she is in an artists coop in Cambridge called Valley Artisans so if you are in the neighborhood please go see her beautiful work.

My friend Judy as some wonderful new work at her website which you can find a link to on the side. My friend Emily belongs to the Quilt guild and she is making quilts for charity which are beautiful too. She doesn't have a quilt blog or a website but she does the most beautiful quilts anyway. Also please visit the artists on the blogs that I have on the side. All of my artist friends have been so wonderful while I was in my creative drought.

I finished a piece for the shop but it is not framed yet so check back next week and I'm working on a second piece already. I've been working on my major piece the last few months with little else. I put it on the side to work on the new pieces but it is almost done so I should be adding a picture of that soon too.

I hope you are all having some good news days yourselves, thanks for reading my blog and giving me a reason to check in once in a while when I didn't have anything really to share. Blessings and keep stitching. Be back soon.


Anonymous said…
Congratulations and good luck! It's always fun to hear good news.
Your work is wonderful.
Anonymous said…
Congratulations!! It is wonderful that your work will be in the shop. Also, wonderful that your feeling better and that you had a chance to have lunch with Cheryl. Lots of good things happening. I am happy for you.

Judy Olson said…
Yay! You're feeling better, that's wonderful. I hear the Katbird Shop gets lots of traffic on Art Night, I'll have to hop down there and see your work, and Cheryl's. Best wishes for big success there!
Michelle said…
Deb!!! Any chance I could get you to make me a bag with one of those turtles on it?!? I love it so much!

I'm glad you're feeling better and that opportunities are arising! Very cool and very well deserved!

All is well here. In laws still kicking and as spry as they've always been. Just humming along!

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