No Pictures and a Driveby

Blogging that is. Today was a good day. I have sciatica(not so good) but because I was only comfortable in one position I got a lot of embroidering done today. Made my life happy. It has been a little bit too drive by with the working. Still pondering doors opening and closing. Realized I have not been working enough nor blogging enough but if embroidering can make a sciatica pain a little less who knows what it can do for my heart. Just checking in. Hope you are all well. Think I'll go blog visiting. PS if you have any suggestions for sciatica that don't include going to the doctor let me know.


Judy Olson said…
I'll do some research on sciatica, I actually don't even know what it is. Another thing that makes me sigh and say "Life is hard" (not Life is good!)Wishing you a zillion blessings and hope to see you soon. I read that you were going to cut back on your craft shows, good luck in whatever you do.
Doreen Frost said…
Hello. I'm sorry you are suffering with your sciatic nerve...I too suffer with it! It's horrible and you are right, some days all you can do it sit in one position. I have the hardest time at night, it horrible. I wish I knew of something to relieve it..unfortunately, I'm still looking myself.

Your embroidery is lovely.

Laura said…
Sorry to hear about the sciatica...I remember my Mom having trouble with this is her younger days. Hope it's a short bout.
I liked your doors post!
Keep stitching and I'll keep collaging!! Laura J
Michelle said…
Ouch!! I hope you're taking care of yourself and resting and relaxing! I love your Leap. It's beautiful! I hope things are going well for you and that you feel much better soon!
Anonymous said…
Sciatia is the worse pain! It ruined my entire summer, many years ago. My Physical Therapist use to have me lay flat on my stomach and with my arms, slowly walk up (sort of like an arch) the idea was to get the disc back in place. I had to do this a lot. It did help. Not sure if I explained it well, but it was the one thing that did help.

In the begining I had to take percocet, it was that bad. I couldn't walk. But that would involve a doctor, as you know.

I hope your feel better. I am glad your getting your mind off it with your embroidery. Can't wait to see pictures.

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