Been Really Really Busy

Making art. I brought my work to the Katbird Shop in Schenectady so if you are in the neighborhood stop on in and take a gander. She has a beautiful selection of different local and not so local artists. Such a wonderful thing to have a purpose behind my work again.

I've also contacted another Gallery. Not much to report but looks like a really great place to display my work, where my housewife persona won't get in the way. I'll let you know if anything wonderful happens there too. Very cool and very funky and I think my work would look great mixed in with all that cool funky stuff. So wish me luck.

Other then that me, my shadow and my embroidery needle have been so busy. I'm working on another hand. It is coming out beautifully and can't wait to share it. Hopefully by the end of next week.

I did another lotus, not framed and forgot to take a picture of the last one before I brought it to Katbird. The Katbird one was a lovely pink and this one is lovely lavender. I am thrilled to pieces with how they came out. I almost finished my friend's sisters purse just a few more flowers and then the lining which is beautiful and sewing it together. The owner won't get it until July so you'll have to wait to see it after she visits and retrieves it. It came out lovely and can't wait to finish it too.

Obama won the nomination and that is so cool. Now I can rest and relax and embroider. Hope your life is doing well. Will catch the links soon and you all visit them too. Happy Stitchin.


Judy Olson said…
You haven't written much because you've been BUSY! That's great!! Hope to see you soon, I will be at the Saratoga Farmer's market this week Wednesday and Saturday if you ever go there.
Judy Olson said…
Hey Deb, I am looking for a cotton thread crochet pattern for yarmulkes/kippahs. Have any ideas? I searched the internet and the ones I found were either too simple looking or they were for multi-colored patterns. I am looking for something in one color, kind of like a doily.
Michelle said…
I'm so glad you are doing well and you're showing your beautiful work!
Anonymous said…
I am glad you have been busy and showing off your beautiful work. Sounds like a great way to start the summer.

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