In from the Light Side

Today is my first day on the computer since Sunday. And then I just checked email. Busy, busy, busy. Happily, joyfully, busy. I have a big craft show this weekend at the Albany Shaker Museum so if you are in the neighborhood please drop in. I've have another appointment to show my work at another gallery to see if they will carry it. Hope they do another lovely person to work with. I've been busy embroidering and knitting purses(pictures to come)the last few days so I'm moving right along.And love, love, love the idea of having other's sell my work. I can just be creative and not worry about the sale of my work. For some reason since I realized I am an "artist" I have a god awful time selling my own work. It also seems like the more expressive I become the harder it is to relate myself to it. Perhaps it's the DebraAnn thing. When I work I am DebraAnn a rather creative person who is dealing with my center and when I'm Debbie, I'm just Debbie, rather scattered and very out of my center(my real friends can attest to this, whenever I am out amongst the masses I am Debbie not DebraAnn).

OK so I'm getting very wordy so I'll share a photo of a beautiful bag I made for Kismet Gallery which is located in Troy. I have a lot of new work which I have not taken pictures of so stay tuned. I hope you are happy and creatively living your life. Keep stitching


Judy Olson said…
Deb, you have another spammer! Wishing you a wonderful rewarding weekend at the Shaker Museum!
Anonymous said…
I hope the time at the Shaker Museum goes well. As always, your work takes my breath away. It must be such a wonderful feeling to create such beauty with your own hands. How I wish I could!

Take care and enjoy your week.
Tangled Stitch said…
I wonder where all these spammers are coming from. Please go away.

A quick hello to lovely Judy and lovely Eileen. Just checking email and stopping in. Tomorrow is another early heat filled humidity filled wonderful day so see you soon.
LadyLinoleum said…
Lovely work. You're right. Most artists are not so good at marketing their own wares. Unfortunately, they don't really focus on that in art school either. I am happy to hear that you are having so much success obtaining distribution. That's wonderful!
Michelle said…
I keep looking to see you've opened an Etsy store so your fans online (me, for one!) can order some of this gorgeous stuff!! I love the bag!

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