Lucinda on a Norman Rockwell Day

You were introduced to Stella a few months ago so I thought I'd introduce you to Lucinda who is now residing at the Katbird Shop. Lucinda is sort of an homage to my grandmother Lucy. I couldn't bear to call her Lucy because then it would have been to painful to part with her so her name is Lucinda. She doesn't really look anything like my grandma Lucy anyway. When I make a face that looks enough like her to deserve the name Lucy she will be mine.

I'm thinking about grandma Lucy a lot today. It's a Norman Rockwell postcard of icicled trees sparkling in the sunshine. But alas icicles look so much prettier on a Christmas card or in a painting. I'm sort of lucky that I have my electricity so I'll just conclude the Norman Rockwell comparison with a hope that all of my friends that are scattered about in the upstate NY community I live in have their power turned back on as quickly as possible and that the retail shops will be able to reopen quickly. Not a great time at Christmas to be without your power. Although as a needleworker it makes it easy to pass the time.

Lucy the grandma was a wonderful woman. Italian and strong and spunky and just one of the greatest most generous ladies. A wonderful cook with a wonderful heart, the kind of grandma that everybody should be lucky to have. I think of her now because before she passed on I spent all of my holidays with her and as a contemplate another holiday with my boys(truly the only substitute for an old fashioned Italian Christmas with a huge family) I think of her wistfully and I miss her. I miss everything about Christmas the way it used to be. But now I love my Christmas's in front of the fireplace with my hubby and my son. Quiet and simple and with all the favorites I dare recreate from the past.

Lucinda the piece is a hand embroidered face which I love to do. Her face is a little slimmer then Stella but she had a bit of attitude about her(as did Lucy). She has one ear bigger then the other which I didn't notice until she was matted. I hope you enjoy looking at her as much as I enjoyed making her.

Merry Christmas to you and all your families along with the thought that most of us are melancholy and nostalgic about our childhood christmases and that hopefully our own children will be melancholy and nostalgic about theirs. God bless.


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