Dropping In For a Chat

Hi All! No I didn't fall off the face of the earth, my life is just happening. Been busy embroidering(not framing unfortunately so no new picks YET)and I just joined Facebook and put my blog there too so I thought I needed a picture for visual interest so went back to the crypt and found my first hand. It's called Lifelines. I love it and luckily I own it. I shared Lifelines because I love to hand embroider hands(in fact have a few waiting to be framed). I guess perhaps it has to do with the stitch and my hands since my hands are what brings me the most joy(besides family of course).

I've been trying new techniques including watercoloring fabric. I finished a lovely piece which I will share when I figure out how to frame it. I was going to show it unframed but it would not do it justice. You see it was another one of my just popped into my head designs which do not seem to fit into an ordinary frame( or the truth is it was my first watercolored fabric, the watercoloring is too small for an 11 x 14 frame and the design is too big for an 8 x 10 frame sooooooo. No worries, my friend Emily told me I can get a mat cut to the right size at Michaels, so you'll get to see it soon.

I've made another 2 hands, another tree, a couple of small hearts, some eyeglass cases, some pillows(yes pillows) for the Katbird Shop and a few other assorted small objects getting ready for the spring or summer or fall when I decide to do some craft shows.

Apologies to my friends who I have ignored here on the blog, my life has happened and it hasn't been pretty but the work has been great and the ability to embroider myself a quiet peaceful cocoon is greatly appreciated.

Well it's getting late so I'll bid adieu and see you very, very soon. Keep stitching!


Judy Olson said…
Catch you on facebook my friend!

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