A handful of flowers!

Today I offer you a handful of flowers. This is a piece I did last summer sometime and realized I never took a photo of. It a hand embroidered hand with pink flowers and swirly green leaves.

Today is a glorious day because after such a long, long time I went back to Tai Chi today. I loved learning tai chi and unblocked much of my creativity the first time around. So now that I am feeling just a wee bit better due to a better diet and some exercise I impulsively decided to go back to Tai Chi. I loved the warmups as I have always loved the warm ups. I felt a flush of warmth and tingliness all through my body, I thought it was a hot flash but I was supposed to feel warm and tingly what a wonderful thing. I didn't remember all the steps but remembered enough of them to not feel totally embarrassed. I am now wondering why I stopped doing something I loved so much.

A friend recently told me that I can only focus on one thing at a time. The first time I went to the gym it became my whole life and I had a very hard time trying to find space to work on my art. I did work but not as much as I would have liked to. Then I joined the coop, that became my whole focus and I gave up the Y and gave up bits of myself too. Then I worked, only worked. Now I am trying to live in the moment and have time for all the things I love especially my work.

One of my blogger friends Sybil Archibald(Painter of Blue) has written a wonderful commentary on change and the artist, you can find her link on the side of my blog. I understood it as living in the moment and accepting who and what you are as an artist at this moment in time. Read her post it's excellent.

One of my blogger and real life friends Judy Olson(Counting Backwards)has some extraordinary photos for you to look at. She has such a wonderful way of making the ordinary extraordinary(you can find her blog on the side of my blog also).

So because of these inspirational women and the inspirational most wonderful day I give you a handful of flowers. Keep stitching.


Valaine said…
Oh my goodness!! That is awesome :) Great detailed work - so beautiful!
I feel the same way about what you were talking about. It's hard for me to focus on more than one thing too.
Tangled Stitch said…
Thanks Valaine. We'll work on that focus thing together! I loved the photos on your blog(and everyone who is here should go to her website and look at them. they are terrific).
Judy Olson said…
I love your handful of flowers, this is my new favorite, coming right after I said the other one was my favorite...post more and I'll have many more favorites! I am going to ponder on what you've said in this post and the previous one. A lot to think about!!
Anonymous said…
lovely handful of flowers!
Patti Gibbons said…
Beautiful hand...

it is a challenge doing it all. Taking care of our bodies, our minds, accepting where we are as artists, understanding that everything is the way it should be.

We do the best we can, and love ourselves and others.

I also stopped yoga, and have been going back. I would like to try Tai Chi sometime. I meditate on school days; weekends I become lazy, lol.

Anonymous said…
that is absolutely beautiful!!! I love it!

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