Lace-Inspire Me Thursday

I love to crochet lace patterns using bedspread cotton. There was a time not so long ago that I could lose myself with just a ball of cotton and a small steel crochet hook. Hours after hours just crocheting beautiful lace patterns. What a wonderful way to get lost for a few hours or days! Very delicate and beautiful.

If you look at my flicker photos you will see a few examples of christening outfits and purses that I crocheted in another lifetime. Maybe writing about them will inspire me to pick it up again. Thank you Inspire Me Thursday. See you soon.


Valerie said…
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Anonymous said…
wow! your lace work is incredible!!! In Italy you would make a lot of business with such great work!
Thanks for your visit!
[I was signed in as my friend Valerie, that's why I deleted the previous comment]
Tangled Stitch said…
Thank you Marina! I am half Italian on my mothers side so maybe I lived in Italy in a past life. Thank you for commenting.
Kstyles said…
My goodness, your lacework is beautiful. I love the christening outfit.

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