Something different

This is a knit bag I made a while ago but never took a picture of. It was knit using brown sheep sable(love, love, love that color) and cascade turqouise. It was knit in a rib lined with satin. I haven't been knitting very much lately and am trying to inspire myself to put the embroidery needle down and have some fun knitting( I have fun embroidering too but it's different).

It's snowing here in my little section of Upstate New York. Not really sticking to the roads and when I went out earlier it was more like rain on the windshield. I came home and listened to CD#3 of Dave Matthews in Central Park, ate a little lunch, did a little laundry and embroidered my new piece. I can't wait to share it when I am finished because it is a project special to my own heart.

I'm going to watch the Oscars later. Don't really go to the movies but I pick Sean Penn and Kate Winslet from the commercials. I hope Heath Ledger wins because he was a great actor and he should have an Oscar to remember his greatness. I really watch the Oscars for the acceptance awards and the fashion. Love the beautiful dresses and enjoy those Fashion Police shows the week after too.

Oh well, mundane as can be I'm off. Have a great Sunday. Keep stitching.


lee said…
I love that purse, they are all the rage now....I to am going to watch the Oscars, I have not seen any of the movies up, except the one Heath Ledger was in, very good, very dark. I to love the fashions, would love to fit into one of them.

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