Blogging In Misty Colored Blue

My real life has intercepted with the color blue again so for a change I'm going to talk about blogging and how much I love to blog. I love to blog about my own work but what I really love is to be inspired by others. I live to be inspired and I am on a daily basis by the most beautiful posts about thread, yarn, quilts, art, spirituality, photography and so on, and so on.

Counting Backwards is a photography blog by my friend Judy Olsen. She has an artists eye and I have one piece of her's which is a turtle that looks like she laid down in the sand to take it. I absolutely adore it and cannot for the life of me figure out how she took it. But that my friends is why I love, love, love Judy's work. It inspires me every day on her blog. She has a friend named Carol and my favorite thing is to look at the photographs they create when they are together, both beautiful and unique.

Lynda Lehman and Peripheral Visions is another photography blog. She has the most beautiful photos of Italy and photos of Long Island that look so very familiar and lovely. Somehow she manages to take pictures of Long Island without any people in them which is a feat all by itself in such a hectic people filled place. But that is not all, she has beautiful photography to feast your eyes on.

Painter of Blue(Art of Spirit) is a beautiful spiritual sight with beautiful thought provoking words and works of art. I enjoy it so much because it captures two of my loves, spirituality and art. Her blog has links galore and very interesting thought provoking commentary. Circle the Divine is very similar and lovely and thought provoking. I love them both because they make me think about the universe and my place in it and more importantly my work's place in it.

Blue Owl Designs is written by Valaine. She is an illustrator and photographer who has the most delicate lovely art work and the most wonderful commentary about her family.

Catskill Paper is by Patti. She is a collage artist and I love her work and she has several blogs all of them are interesting and inspiring. Papiers Collier is also a wonderful beyond words collage artist. Very interesting and her blog posts are very interesting also.

Princess Matilda is a mixed media artist and a great gal. We email sometimes and I love to see what she is up to. Defining Me is written by Lee and she is a wonderful painter. I became interested in her work when she provided a new painting for every day of the Advent calendar two years ago. Every single day there was a beautiful piece of work to look at. She's got a great blog about her dog somewhere in the last couple of days that is a wonderful cheerful read.

Diane Clancy is a wonderful artist and usually has helpful hints for the rest of us. She uses the most beautiful colors in her work and they are quite unique, lovely and interesting.

Inspire Me Thursday is a website that provides a different topic every thursday in which to show your creativity. I have missed a few even I cannot be inspired by soup but perhaps in my next life.

Spirit of Cloth, is a wonderful quilt artist who uses embroidery(my first love) in her blog and has a wonderful way of describing her work and her process. I found her in Quilting Arts Magazine and am thrilled to pieces to have found her work.

Girls gone Thread Wild is a wonderful stitcher with a great way of posting and always has a wonderful cause to be involved in. I love her work and I love her heart(even though I don't really know her only her blog).

Freedom of Stitch is just fabulous for our stitchers you can spend hours on her blog admiring her work and linking to all these other wonderful stitching sites.

Now I'm tired for today and hopefully tomorrow I will have more work of my own to share. Also if it pertains to you, please go to fiber/mixed media and stitchin fingers filled with the most extraordinary stitching you will ever see. I will highlight some of their lovely blogs the next time I don't have anything positive to share about myself, although if you go to fiber/mixed media and stitchin fingers you can find them yourself. So got to the links and I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. Keep Stitchin.


Sybil Archibald said…
Thanks for the shout out! I'd like to know more about the color blue and your life...The color has always had a profound impact on my life.
Valaine said…
Hey! Thank you for adding me in your list, it's nice to be noticed and appreciated :) I'm curious too about the color blue in your life.
Judy Olson said…
Holy cow! Thanks Deb, for all the kind words, I will post that snapping turtle on A Shot and a Beer. I will visit all the blogs you mentioned to get a good dose of beauty and inspiration. Thanks again!
Lynda Lehmann said…
We're all so lucky to be inspired by each other! I'm familiar with some of these blogs, but not with others. I'll have to visit them.

Thanks for sharing them and for the mention!

I love blue too, so I want to hear about the effect it has on you.

Hope you are having a good week.

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