Blues Dancin

Originally uploaded by DebraAnn813
A couple of my bloggy friends wanted my take on the color blue, as I am at a bit of loss for a topic I thought I would at least attempt to answer them. I love the color blue usually when I use it, I am thinking peaceful happy thoughts. When I think of blue I think of a beautiful blue sky with white fluffy clouds. A beautiful blue jay and it's song. A beautiful beach with clear blue water. My sons eye color till he was about 7. My dad's eyes were blue, and my husband's eyes are a greenish blue.

I've done a couple of pieces that have the color blue, my favorite is this piece Dancin. It belongs to my friend Cheryl. The current piece I am working on is blue. It is prematurely called, From the Chaos comes Peace. You'll have to wait a little while to see it though.

I don't know why people call themselves blue when blue is such a lovely peaceful color but I do it too. But at least for this moment in my own mind blue means peace and beauty. May your day be peaceful and beautiful and I hope you see the color blue everywhere you look today!


Anonymous said…
Lovely post. Funny how we do associate blue sometimes as a melancholy mood. This is universal, but as you said we all have other very nice memories of this color. My immediate one is the various blues of the ocean that constantly change with the light on any given day. I also love blue and white china. I love wearing a soft blue linen dress in the summer time. Thanks for reminding me how special blue can be.
Judy Olson said…
When I was growing up, blue was always my favorite color. I wasn't a pinky girl at all. My bedroom was blue till I was a teen-ager. (After that is was pretty psychedelic!) I would have to say I have moved over a little bit from the blue into the purple, lavender, mauve area. A light blue bedroom is VERY calming, I can still remember that.
Laura said…
Blue has always been my favorite color of all. I love the title of your current piece and can't wait to see it!
Tangled Stitch said…
Thank you all for your lovely comments. Not sure what I have to speak about today but wanted to thank you anyway. Maybe something will inspire me.
lee said…
blue happens to be my one of fav colours..I find it relaxing and peaceful, not navy blue, but a soft blue almost a turquoise. Love the photo great work on the piece.
Sybil Archibald said…
To me blue has always represented the color of creativity. In the system of chakras, blue is at your throat and represents your self expression. Colors resonate with unseen energy. Maybe people say they are blue because they have something they need to express? Often suppressed feelings bring us down.
Tangled Stitch said…
I agree completely about the repressed feelings Blue. I think they are the most dangerous of all the emotions because they work their dastardly deeds under cover in the shadows. Any emotion expressed is better then any emotion repressed.

Thanks lovely ladies and gents for your wonderful comments.
Valaine said…
Blue certainly does have an important place in your life!
Blue is my daughter's favorite color. She never liked pink very much. She was six when we moved here and her room was painted a dark blue. She said "How did they know that was my favorite color?"
There is a certain blue that I love at the moment, it is the robin's egg blue. When I was a little girl I'd find broken robin's eggs on the ground when it started to get warm outside. I was enchanted by the color :)
Tangled Stitch said…
A broken robins egg? I would have freaked out because of the little dead robins wouldn't have even noticed the color. Thanks for the comments.

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