Called by the Needles

Today I realized that I have not picked up my knitting needles yet this year. I love to knit. I love the fibers and the textures and the colors and the speed(although crochet is a wee bit faster). I knit for fun. Embroidery gets me to my center, knitting helps me run away from responsibility. I've been so good at trying to embroider each and every day this year, but I seem to be avoiding the current project I am working on so I think I'm going to answer the call of the knitting needles and take a break. Perhaps I will even take a road trip next week to my favorite yarn shop a couple of towns away.

This purse is in my favorite color green. It uses mohair and cascade and a few other special yarns that I just adore. On our gallery visit last week I somehow got into a conversation at a gallery about felting and although I love the way it looks and it is so very popular, I prefer to knit with texture and color and patterns(or not). So off to the yarn store and perhaps by next week I will have even framed some more embroidery(and moved forward on my current project). Off to the links to see what my friends are doing.

By the way just a word about blogging and my blogging habits. If some of your blogger friends are surprised by the comments of an unknown blogger(me) it is because my favorite blogging trick is to go to your links and find the most interesting titles(titles are so kismet and syncronistic) and then go to them, admire them and then comment on them. Of course I never remember where I saw that beautiful embroidery or fiber art or an occasional sheep(or in Judy's case birds, I do remember Judy's birds and love to see them daily along with everything else she photographs). So please feel free to go visit my friends links and you will be mesmerized as I am by your link friends! Keep stitching.

Just a quick ps. I have added Girl Gone Thread Wild to my link list. Somehow I deleted her and have been searching the world over to find her again. She is a fabulous fiber artist who does wonderful things with her art and her heart.


Valaine said…
I love your purse! The greens are just perfect for spring :)
drea_dear said…
I love that apple green, too. My first crochet project was a wrap made with 2 textures of sour apple - I saw the yarn in the store and had to have it!

I love your "drive-by" posts, Debra Ann. That's how I started following some people, by seeing interesting post titles and then looking at their work and then adding them so other people can find them!
Tangled Stitch said…
I love to drive by drea. It makes my day. I never fail to read or see something inspirational. I live to be inspired.
Judy Olson said…
Love your knitted bags! You have a LOT of good work, I don't know how you can keep producing and producing...I feel like a lazy bum compared to you! Well, I guess I'd better get to work!
I've been toying with the idea of taking a knitting class,

you make it seem so EASY!

Seeing I have 'challenge' using chopsticks (lol) I have to make sure my life insurance policy is up to date FIRST.


XO, me :)

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