
Today in my local newspaper there were a series of people making their living doing what they love because they lost their former jobs. It was inspirational and made me think that although I haven't lost a job I can still try to make my life doing something I love. I just have to change the way I do it.

I spent much of the last two weeks falling back on the past for the craft shows and working on an art piece which I consider my future. Notice the present wasn't really in there anywhere. The present is here when I am working on my future. Doing art pieces that express myself instead of the same old, same old. It's kind of easy to remake the past and just do the same thing that sells over and over again but setting up my table made me realize I have to make a choice. The old and the new are two completely different things and I have to choose which one speaks for me at this moment. If I'm not selling old or new at the craft shows it makes it easy to make the choice and choose one. I've had some interest in the new, I'm not selling the old so there is the choice. I'm going to grab my inner artist and go for it. Try new things, new ways of using my embroidery. New ways to express myself.

I have a couple of shows coming up and a little interest from galleries(it will be nice if it turns to a bit more interest) and time to totally remake my work, well maybe not totally. And then by the end of it I will know whether my new ideas will work out better then the old.

My friend Judy once mentioned that if you can do the extraordinary why do the ordinary and I heard her and thought about what she said and still carried my old work and new recycled old work everywhere. My friend Judy knows what she speaks of because she takes the most extraordinary photographs of the ordinary. So I'm going to give it my all, experiment, embroider, knit every last piece of fiber, yarn and thread and see if I can make embroider myself a life out of it all.

Thanks to my wonderful bloggy friends I adore all of you and all of your blogs and I'll keep you abreast of how my life of embroidery is going. Your words yesterday meant the world to me. Only those who have experienced it themselves can understand how much pressure we put on ourselves to be relevant and successful.


good luck with developing your work!
Elizabeth said…
I'm glad you can see a little sunshine again. Just to go for it and remember you did this once before. When? At the time you started and had to learn everything about galleries, craftshows, developing your way of embroidery, etc., etc.

Now the second leg of your journey has started, called redevelopment.

So keep your spirit up and we bloggers are here to support you.

See you!!!
Tangled Stitch said…
Thanks for your lovely comments! I am trying to get all of my ducks in a row during this down time!
Judy Olson said…
I just love the expression "ducks in a row". I think it's one of the big keys to success. And about your ablilty to say much, I'm just amazed how your blog grows along with your embroidery!

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