Little Suzy Creamcheese

I wasn't going to write anything today because I really didn't have too much to talk about today artistically. Then I read Chapter 64 in Eat, Pray, Love(the fabulous book brought on by my visit to Art of the Spirit where I saw a lecture by the author).

The author calls herself a Little Suzy Creamcheese which means she is social, bubbly and smiling. People who know me in real life would probably call me a Little Suzy Creamcheese. If a garden gnome came to life I would be standing there talking to it after everyone else left. I like to say I'd talk to a wall if it would talk back to me but a talking garden gnome sounds more interesting don't you think? I also thought of Mr. Ed the talking horse but everybody would want to talk to a talking horse wouldn't they?

The real point of this chapter is to accept yourself the way you are, like the author sometimes I wish there was an off button to stop me from saying that one extra sentence or having my words come out in a way that I did not mean them because to me I talk too much. Some people in my life have actually helped this opinion of myself along so not so hard to feel badly about being a person with no filter. No off button(not exactly accurate when I am embroidering I am mysteriously silent and peaceful). But for the most part being talkative is a blessing and a curse and logically I know I am this way because God wants me this way or he would have made me silent and quiet.

Like the author who just the chapter earlier said I want to be the silent person for a change I've also gone through my periods of lifetime where I too wanted to be the silent one. She wanted dark wavy hair, I've always wanted sleek blond hair. But what can I say the big mouth is mine and the hair is mine and everything else is mine. It is my blessing and my cross to bear.

The point is when you are a little suzy creamcheese it is hard to be a shrinking violet viola. No matter how hard we try to be something we are not the more we fail miserably. When I'm going through a rough patch emotionally I always wonder if my life would have been different if I were different but then it wouldn't be my life. Life is a journey of peaks and valleys and I'm of the opinion that the only perfect person ever was Jesus(or whoever your universal being might be). We are human we are not supposed to be perfect.

Read the book, it's fabulous and Keep on stitching(the long cane just came out from behind the curtain). Enjoy your evening and love yourself even with your idiosynchrocies. I spelled that wrong but after the third time decided to leave it.


Phyllis said…
I loved the humor in this post. Do we ever need more of that! I did not read the book, but I heard her speak and she is not a shrinking violet, but entertaining like you!

Self-acceptance is always easier to talk about then actually do. I think sometimes it means pushing ahead while ignoring those silly and constant voices that are forever blurting some weird statement or criticism. In other words, maybe self-acceptance is blind faith too because it allows us that inevitable room for error.

Lots of good thoughts and clarity in your last few posts!
That was a great message for me to read today; accepting that I am not a violet. yes.
painter ofblue said…
This is a very wise post. I'm working on self-acceptance too.Sometimes I think I'll never get there. Right now I'm just negotiating a truce! I'm hoping to just be able to be with myself and perhaps acceptance will flow from there.
Anonymous said…
I loved this book. There is a video of a speech she did on TED too which is very good.

It's a long road to self-acceptance sometimes.
Lynda Lehmann said…
I'm glad you left the word spelled wrong! That means you accept not being perfect.

I'm glad you're not perfect, because then you wouldn't be the lovable, open person that you are.

One of the most important things I ever learned in life is that people who dislike their own characteristics will criticize the most. People "act" out of their own need.

Who cares if you talk a lot? That's your love for life, coming out! And that is a GOOD thing.

Better than being withdrawn or withholding. I like you the way you are!

By the way, most of the time, there's no STOP SIGN between my brain and my mouth, either!
Lynda Lehmann said…
I'm glad you left the word spelled wrong! That means you accept not being perfect.

I'm glad you're not perfect, because then you wouldn't be the lovable, open person that you are.

One of the most important things I ever learned in life is that people who dislike their own characteristics will criticize the most. People "act" out of their own need.

Who cares if you talk a lot? That's your love for life, coming out! And that is a GOOD thing.

Better than being withdrawn or withholding. I like you the way you are!

By the way, most of the time, there's no STOP SIGN between my brain and my mouth, either!
Tangled Stitch said…
Thanks for the wonderful comments. I really appreciated them especially today as my little family and the family dog are all under the weather. Thank you so much!

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