Lotus Heart

This is my latest piece and it made it into the frame less then 24 hours after completion. I'm really happy with it. It is a hand embroidered pink lotus surrounded by turquoise french knots and a red heart on blue watercolored muslin. I really love the watercolor fabric treatment, it just adds contrast and color and makes my work pop a little bit more.

Thank you to all of my blog friends who have offered such wonderful support about my black hole post. I have had pretty bad menopausal side affects for almost a year and many days had to completely immerse myself in my work and keeping my mind busy frittering my life away. I recently started eating better and exercising and after just a couple of days off the wagon know I have to go back.

I am sure there are books out there for us perimenopausal and menopausal ladies but who wants to read them? I guess it's a combination of feeling awful and starting another phase in our lives. It's time to discuss it out in the open and be a little more honest about this phase of my life. And maybe take a book out of the library too.

Back to work, I've started a knit bag with checkerboards with 6 different colors, quite a reentry into knitting again. Probably should have started out with a solid color and some embellishments but I am enjoying all those bobbins(not enjoying untangling them, but that is probably something metaphorical) and the challenge.

Off to read my friendly blogs, you have no idea how inspiring all you are in both your work and your words. Thanks again for the support. Keep stitching.


Becky said…
I gave up bobbins long ago for Kaffe Fassett's hanging threads. Instead of all that untangling you can pull the yarns back up one at a time to release them.Check out Glorious Knits for his description which is much better than mine.
drea_dear said…
Pretty! I like anything pink and blue together. I'm going to be trying some embroidery (as opposed to cross stitch) to finish Dove Love, and I was glad to read that you use muslin. I know that I'm on the right track!
Judy Olson said…
I am liking pink and blue together more also! Lovely work as usual!

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