This is Crossing. It is a light blue hand embroidered cross with green accents on green watercolor fabric. I've included a closeup view of the stitchwork also. I love to hand embroider crosses. They make me feel closer to my center and my maker.
Ironically I am a wee bit cross myself today. My poor son is sick with a sore throat ,ear ache and vomiting. My dog is still a little under the weather and of course I am under the weather too. I guess this is one of those times when bad news comes in threes. But I am sure we will all be fit as a fiddle soon.
I'm also not very talkative today, I'm a bit reflective. A good day to embroider. And not a good day for blogging. So I will bid adieu and see you tomorrow (unless of course I am inspired on my travels during my visit to blogland). Keep stitching!
Happy Easter holiday.