Front of Hand

I finished the front part of my "hand" purse. Was unsure about how to finish(or whether to just leave it alone) but opted for the whimsy. The hand is surrounded by french knots, spirals and lazy daisies. I haven't started the back yet but have some ideas brewing.

Well today is tax day or tea bag day depending on your point of view. The tea bags are safely in my cupboard where they resided during the last 8 years. If the last 8 years didn't make me dump my tea into the river nothing will! I don't really drink tea either but I do use it to dye my muslin at times. Much better use of the tea bag. My taxes were done a few weeks ago so it wasn't really tax day for me either.

I am reading Wayne Dyer's book about Inspiration. I love his books also. I bought this book(instead of taking it out of the library) over a year ago and only found it while looking for something else. I thought of it as kismet that it popped out of my bookcase just when I was looking for an uplifting book. My favorite Dyer book is still Manifest Your Destiny but I am really enjoying this book on Inspiration too.

Oh well, struggling to think of words to write today so I will bid you a Happy Stitching and go read your blogs which I am thinking will be much more interesting then this one which even I admit was a bit boring.


Elizabeth said…
You did a good job, the hand is beautiful and I love the spirals and lazy daisies around it. I'm looking forward too your ideas for the back.
Judy Olson said…
Wow! It's just perfect, I too love the spirals and whimsy! This one really makes me smile.
Lynda Lehmann said…
Debra, I love the whimsy in your design.

And I didn't find your post boring. I think you express yourself honestly and well, and that is a GOOD thing!

Today I took my first sunny, warm-day spring walk, for my inspiration!
Tangled Stitch said…
Thanks for the lovely comments!

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