Just Checking In

Hi All! I am in the midst of the flu or a very bad cold with a fever which I caught from my lovable son. So no new news, no new projects, just a wee bit of reading and watching movies on cable with tissue box in tow. So hopefully by tomorrow or sooner I will be inspired to think up a topic or frame a piece or even embroider(I know things are bad when I don't feel like embroidering). Keep stitching and keep yourself healthy.


Phyllis said…
I hope you are well soon. At least it is a good excuse to read the books and watch the movies that have been stacking up!
Anonymous said…
Hope you feel better soon!
drea_dear said…
Feel better soon! Get some plush tissues and a cozy blanket and release the guilt! You feel bad enough as it is!
hope you feel better soon...
Judy Olson said…
yep, a fever will lay you right down....maybe you are supposed to be resting at this time!
Tangled Stitch said…
Thank you all for your well wishes!

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