Just checking in!

I've been in a little bit of a funk the last few days. Perhaps it's the 90 degree weather or the sore throat and fatigue, but I've been basically uninspired the last few days. My son finally selected his college. He is going to University at Albany(thank God) and I'm thrilled to pieces about that and he has a lovely new girlfriend and I'm happy about that but the idea that in less then 60 days my son will graduate from high school has put me in a mini slump. Not very creative, not very motivated just here. I was tempted not to post on my blog but decided to share my gloominess instead.

I hope my bloggy friends have much to be inspired by at their links. I've added some new ones as of late and I'm going to read all of my links and hope they somehow inspire me to get back to work and start finishing projects so I can take some pictures. Hopefully you will find something on their blogs to inspire you too. Blessings to all of you and I hope I'll see you sooner rather then later.


drea_dear said…
I think it's just that time of year for funks. They're seasonal, you know. ;) I've been having a hard time thinking of stitchy things to post about. But I think you'll have some new images coming your way - things I can't post yet. But you're special.
Elizabeth said…
Just take a rest, you worked really hard and now it is time to take time.
Anonymous said…
Oh, yes yes! The funk is all around -- but remember: it can be banished with the smallest glimmer of inspiration. Go to your books, your links, your journals, a movie, magazines, what ever gets a little curiosity going, you know that little "ooooh, I want to try THAT" feeling. Be patient, relax into your down time, and trust that you'll FIND a thread, then grab on!!!! ox-ox-ox (hugs and stitches), victoria
phyllis said…
I think watching a child leave home is a little difficult, but with hew ventures awaiting it will most likely enrich your life as well. I think the transition of spring to summer is maybe a transition of mood too. Hope you feel better soon. Start a new project and see where it goes!
Anonymous said…
Life is made of stages, isn't it? All the best.
Judy Olson said…
The funk is here too! I am dragging myself around trying to get stuff done. That hot weather was horrible. Wishing many blessing to you and all your creative friends!
Lynda Lehmann said…
Debra Ann, that dreadful, sudden heat took a lot out of all of us. I NEVER feel motivated in the heat. I only want to go to sleep when it's that hot!

And your son's graduation is a great Rite of Passage and a big adjustment. You're bound to have some degree of emotional effect!

When our daughter first went off to college (Albany!), I used to cry every night when I went into her bedroom to pull down the shades. But you get over it. Your passions will carry you!

I'm hoping for you to have better days in store.... :)
lee said…
You know I also agree that it is that time of year for funks. I kinda have been in one lately to. Just think your son wont be to far away from you...a plus right there. And his graduation from high school another hilight for you and he to remember. And did I thank you for commenting and reading my blog, thanks again.
ohhh empty nest syndrome. I know that one. sigh. the solution for me was to do more art. when my girls moved out I created a wall hanging out of their baby blankets. it helped me transition and helped me feel connected; provided them with something unique.
Tangled Stitch said…
Thank you all so much for your very supportive comments.

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